Thursday, October 4, 2012

How Can We Help?

Today in class we went over all the foundations and organizations we researched yesterday in class.  Mr. Schick was looking and asking which one we thought sounded most interesting and if we could help them. A lot of people found really good organizations that could help people in very big ways.  Many of them included sending money for school or water wells being built.  Even after listening and hearing about all the other organizations the one that stuck out to me was the one me and Mary Kate found.  We found the organization "Aid for Africa".  The members of "Aid for Africa" support children in school, provide safe havens for orphans, and advocate funding for children's issues.  The prevent and treat many diseases, work to prevent rape and trafficking, and help women start their own businesses.  Members help families build wells, create employment, and improve health.  We could help this organization by donating money or materials needed to build the wells.  We also could contribute supplies needed to help prevent the diseases in the countries.  This is a really good foundation because they have members in South Sudan and Sudan, where the lost boys were from in the film we watched.  This organization also collects books to give to those children studying in school.  We could have a book drive where the whole school can get involved and donate slightly used books to send to this organization.  We could also do a lot more to help this organization.  I hope we help out this foundation.

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