Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cultural Geography: Religion Cont.

During class today we went over more major religions of the world.  We went over the religions Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.  We started class talking about Islam and their traditions.  The Islam religion is practiced by the descendents of Abraham.  Their holy book is called the Koran.  Islam is the second most practiced religion in the world.  It might become the most practiced religion in a few decades or so.  It is most popular in Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Middle East.  There are two major groups of the Muslim community.  They are called the Sunnis and Shiites.  They have been fighting and at war since the year 632 when Muhammad, the founder of Islam, died.  We also talked about Hinduism in class today.  Hinduism is neither monotheistic nor polytheistic.  They don't necessarily believe in a god.  There are over one billion people in people that practice this religion.  The Hinduism religion is mostly practiced in India.  The last religion we went over in class was Buddhism.  Buddhism followers worship Buddha.  Buddha is known as the "enlightened one".  This religion is also neither monotheistic nor polytheistic.  The live their lives based on the Eightfold Path.  The Eightfold Path is about having the right view, right intention, right speech, right mindfulness, right action, right livelihood, right effort, and right concentration.  

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