Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Foundations to Help Those in Sudan

Today in class we split up into groups and went on the Internet to research foundations to help people in Sudan.  We all researched the foundations and wrote them on a document everyone in the class can access. We all were constantly adding to the document and you had to be checking making sure someone else had not already written down the foundation or organization you found.  I worked with Mary Kate and we found like five or six different foundations and organizations that sounded very interesting.  One organization that stood out the most to me was the "Aid for Africa" organization.  Aid for Africa members support children in school, provide safe havens for orphans, advocate for funding for children's issues.  They prevent and treat fistula, work to prevent rape and trafficking, and help women start their own businesses.  Members help families build wells, create employment, and improve health.  I think that our class could help this organization by donating money and supplies needed.  One foundation Mary Kate found was the "Sudan Village Care Foundation".  This foundation is a non profit organization to make the dream of one of the lost boys of Sudan a reality by building a medical clinic in his war-torn village in South Sudan.  The clinic would treat many preventable diseases, and to bring hope to the people of his village.  Our class could also help this foundation I believe.  We could send small medical supplies and materials needed to complete the project of building the medical clinic.

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