Sunday, September 30, 2012

More From God Grew Tired of Us

During Fridays class, we continued watching the documentary of God Grew Tired Of Us.  We are learning more about John, Daniel, and Panther's adventures in the United States.  All of the boys that came to the United States have to pay back the government for the plane ticket and for their apartments.  All of the boys get jobs they did not even know existed.  John has two jobs of working in a factory and working at McDonald's.  A charter bus takes John and another boy to the factory early in the morning.  It is so early that they must sit outside and wait for the factory to open.  At McDonald's John has to flip burgers.  Before his job, he didn't know how to flip burgers or what it meant.  Daniel got a job at a bank working with checks.  Panther got a job in a hotel working as a bus boy and serving tables.  Panther was explaining how everyone in the hotel is so nice to him.  The boys always travel in groups wherever they go because that is what they are used to.  Although, people that owned shops the boys went into were getting nervous about them traveling in large groups.  The shop owners had a meeting with the police and the police had to instruct the boys not to travel in such large groups.  John was going to go to school, but then he got a letter from his mom and dad.  The letter said that everyone in his clan was killed except for his mom, dad, brother, and sister.  Instead of going to school, John is trying to make people aware of the war in Sudan and get it stopped.

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