Friday, September 14, 2012

Hectic Class

Today’s class was different than normal. Everyone was tired and you could notice.  Mr. Schick even said that our class was not like the normal.  We all then tried to get on our blogs.  Only a handful was allowed to.  Mostly the blogs were saying that they had been deleted.  None of us knew why it said it was deleted. Some messages even said that the blogs had “suspicious activity” or they did not think “that they were the real author”. Some kids were worried that all their work was going to be lost and that they were going to have to make an entire new blog.  Mr. Schick just told us all to just to wait and it was probably just a little mess up with  He just kept on telling everyone “do not try to fix it!”  Probably if we tried anything we would mess it up even more.  Five minutes later, “maybe you should try to fix it”.  It was a hectic class, but a good one at the same time.     

We watched the Did you know video.  One thing that caught my interest was that thee are 845 million monthly users of Facebook. Also, the first text message was sent in December 1992.  

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