Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Today in class we talked about Wikipedia and other search engines.  Wikipedia is the biggest encyclopedia in the world.  Also, what makes it the best encyclopedia is that is is all open to you at the comfort of your home.  It is a great source to find things for things like research papers, reports and much more.  A long with most search engines, it has its pros and cons.  Some pros are that it gives you a bunch of information and is updated electronically every day.  It also gives you the resources where it found the information which can help you find out more about your topic.  A long with all the information about the certain topic, it shows subtopics that are related to it and can give you even more information.  While reading the information, some words are highlighted and if you click on those words it gives you special information about that word or phrase.  The cons are that anyone can access Wikipedia and edit or change anything they want.  This is not good because someone could right any random facts about your topic that sounds true but isn't true at all.  Most of the information is correct, but some is not and you never know.  Every time we see something on Wikipedia and it doesn't sound very correct we should always double check it.  Wikipedia is a great resource, but if I am working on a major project or paper I am going to check on the information to make sure it is true.

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