Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today in Class

Today in class we went over the questions we did for homework. We had to go on the CIA Factbook and answer questions about the world.  Finding out things about the world was very interesting. We learned that China is the top country with the most exports.  Everyone in class then began looking at their shoes and books to see what was made in China.  The United States gets China to make their products because it is cheaper.  China does not have minimum wage and uses child labor.  In the United States, every employee has to get payed at least minimum wage hourly.  Saudi Arabia exports more oil than any other country in the world, but the United States imports more oil than any other country.  The United States had the most imported oil because we actually run off of oil.  From all of the cars and other transportation types that use oil we need a lot of it.  Aside from transportation, we use oil in many other things throughout our daily lives.  Instead of oil we all should be using solar power.  If we all use solar power, the world would be a better and cleaner place to live in.

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