Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today in class all groups except one presented.  Each group was assigned a country and we had to research about its population and characteristics involving the citizens.  We went over Thailand, Nigeria, and Italy.  I learned many facts about each of these countries.  Most of the facts that were presented involved the population, migration, and birth and death rates.  Thailand's population is 67,091,089.  Thailand has a birth rate of 12.81.  This means that there are 12 lives births for every 1,000 births.  This is in the middle for the standings in the world.  Nigeria's population is 170,123,740 .  They are ranked number 7 in the world for having the most deaths from HIV/AIDS diseases.  Also, the net migration rate is -0.22.  This means that more people are leaving the country then entering it.  If more people are leaving the country, then it seems that maybe it does not have a good economy or other reasons.  My group presented the country of Italy.  Italy's population is 61,261,254.  It is ranked number twenty-three in the world with the most people.  It's population growth is 0.38%.  This means that the population is growing a little bit.  I'm glad I have learned so many things about different countries so far.  I can not wait until tomorrow when we learn about the United States.  

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