Thursday, November 15, 2012

Today's Class

Today in class we started going over the government and history of the countries we have been researching lately.  We did not go over ever single country we have been looking at, but we did go over most of them.  I learned a few things about the countries we did go over, though.  Some things I learned were these.  Afghanistan's independence day is August 19, 1919.  Today in Afghanistan, there is a war going on.  The Taliban terrorist group is trying to take over Afghanistan.  The United States is trying to help my sending thousands of soldiers overseas to fight the Taliban.  Even with all the soldiers against the Taliban, they are fighting back even stronger than us.  Also, Brazil was once owned by the country of Portugal.  Brazil then took over their independence from Portugal in 1822.  I also learned today that France never really had their own "independence day".  They have a national festival yearly called English Bastille Day.  English Bastille Day is on July 14, 1789.  This day of the year is their "independence day".  I also learned today the Germany was once under the control of France.  After World War II, the allies and Russians took over Germany.  The allies were in control of west Germany and the Russians were in charge of east Germany.  They actually built a cement wall to split the country in half.  

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