Wednesday, November 28, 2012

More of The People's Republic of Capitalism

During class today we continued watching the video "The People's Republic of Capitalism".  People in China will work for any amount of money that they can get.  As long as they can get food on the table for their family, they will do anything.  During the video, we watch Chinese men do construction work for only four dollars a day.  In the United States, people would not do that kind of work without being paid at least $7.50 a hour.  The Chinese men had to destroy a building by hand.  In the United States we use wrecking balls and dynamite to destroy buildings.  Although, China does not have to ability to destroy their buildings like that, instead men have to break the building down one brick at a time.  Women in China get paid even less then the men.  The women only get paid one or two dollars a day.  The women do not do as hard work as the men, but it is equally tiring.  The women have to do the same thing over and over again each day, so many get bored on the job.  The people in China get paid less a day than Americans get paid a hour.  If workers in China wanted to be paid more, their bosses would fire them.  The bosses know that there are millions of people that would like to be where those workers are and are willing to work for that little amount of money.  Also, today in American many people are losing their jobs to people in China.  This is because people in China will work for less.  Since the workers will work for less, the companies can sell their products for less.  If the products were made here in America, it would cost more to pay the workers and then it would cost more to sell the products.

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