Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Class Today

During class today, we got our tests back from last week.  I am very happy with the grade I got on my test.  I got a 100% on my test.  Mr. Schick told our class that we had the highest percentage of grades on the test out of all three of his classes.  Tomorrow we are going to have an assembly with a guest speaker coming to talk to us.  The assembly speaker is Gerry Sandusky, not the terrible one in jail.  This assembly I think is going to be pretty interesting.  Mr. Sandusky is going to talk about living with the same name as a man that did many terrible things to boys in Pennsylvania.  I cannot wait to see the kinds of things he tells us. After we stopped talking about the assembly we will be having tomorrow, we started watching a video called "People's Republic of Capitalism".  This video was taken place in Chongqing, China.  Chongqing is on the river of Yangtze.  Since it is located on such a big river, China wants this city to be a big manufacturing city with many ports.  In China, the government allows you to only have one child.  If you have more than one child they will fine you.  You are only allowed to have more than one child if you live on a farm and need more help.  If a family loses their child in a tragic event, they are allowed to show proof to the government and try to have another child.

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