Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today's Class

Today in class we continued watching the video on YouTube, "The People's Republic of Capitalism". We are now on part 3 of the video.  This part of the video was mostly about the Chinese and their vast supply of cars all throughout the country.  Many people in China do not learn to drive until they are about 40 or 50 years old.  In America, many people learn to drive and operate cars in their teenage years, very different compared to the Chinese.  Chinese do not usually buy cars just for them unless they are in a very wealthy family.  We saw an example of this when two brothers, their wives, and their mom all bought a car together and are sharing it.  This is very odd to us Americans because we all usually buy our own cars and do not share it with four or five other people.  It is easier for the Chinese because then each person does not have to pay as much and can save their money for food and other necessities.  Also people in China pay for cars using cash.  Us Americans find that very odd because we just write out a check or use our credit card to buy a new car rarely people will bring cash to buy a new car.  Chinese life and how they do things is obviously very different from Americans.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


  • Capitalism: an economic system that is based on a private ownership of the  means of production and the production of goods and or services for profit

  • Communism: a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless and stateless social order structured upon common ownership of the means of production

  • Free Enterprise: an economic system in which private businesses operate in competition and largely free of state control

  • Free Market: an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses

Monday, December 3, 2012

More from the Video

Today in class we continued watching the video "The People's Republic of Capitalism".  The video was talking about all the transportation in China.  Many people say that China has the most dangerous roads for many reasons.  There are so many people in China that they need that many cars on the road.  Also, cars have not been in China for all that long.  Since there has been a little amount of time to learn about cars and how to operate them, most people on the road are just learning to drive no matter what age.  Since there are so many cars and barely any people that actually know how to fully drive them, there are over 400 accidents a day in China.  There is a lot of talk about car insurance in China since there are so many accidents.  Any really bad accidents have the owner and drivers of the cars exchange information to have each other's insurance to pay for the other.  For other accidents like "fender benders", the drivers just get out and the one at fault usually just gives the victim money to fix their car themselves.  If the one at fault does not own up to it and give money, many Chinese citizens get mad.  They are very strict and serious about their cars and car insurance.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

More from The People's Republic of China

We continued watching the video "People's Republic of Capitalism" during class today. We practically talked about the same thing that we talked about yesterday, how countries rely on each other. I also learned that it is better that China keeps making the products that we use here even though people here lose their jobs to the Chinese. It's better if the Chinese keeps making them because we get them for cheaper. If we didn't buy our goods and products from China then everything would be a lot more expensive because it would be made here in the United States. It would be more expensive because the companies that are selling these good have to pay their works a lot more money than the bosses in China have to pay theirs. People in China will work for a fraction of what people here in the US get paid every hour. But then, this is also bad because a lot of people here in the United States lose their jobs and have to find a new one even if they are a little older and shouldn't really be looking for one. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

More of the Video

During class today, we continued watching the video, "People's Republic of Capitalism". During this part of the video, we learned how every country relies on each other. This is called interdependence. For an example, we need China because China makes products for lower pay. This then lets us have lower prices in the United States. An example of this Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart gets most of their products from China. If you look at all of the items in Wal-Mart 95% of the products are made in China.  Wal-Mart slogan is "Everyday low prices". This is why Wal-Mart gets a lot of business, because of their low prices. Another example of interdependence is that China needs us to keep buying their products so they can make money and so people will get their jobs. If we didn't buy products from China a ton of people there, like in the United States, would lose their jobs. One more example of interdependence is how the Mexicans in Mexico need us to help them get jobs. Illegal immigrants from Mexico cross the boarded into the United States to get jobs and make money. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

More of The People's Republic of Capitalism

During class today we continued watching the video "The People's Republic of Capitalism".  People in China will work for any amount of money that they can get.  As long as they can get food on the table for their family, they will do anything.  During the video, we watch Chinese men do construction work for only four dollars a day.  In the United States, people would not do that kind of work without being paid at least $7.50 a hour.  The Chinese men had to destroy a building by hand.  In the United States we use wrecking balls and dynamite to destroy buildings.  Although, China does not have to ability to destroy their buildings like that, instead men have to break the building down one brick at a time.  Women in China get paid even less then the men.  The women only get paid one or two dollars a day.  The women do not do as hard work as the men, but it is equally tiring.  The women have to do the same thing over and over again each day, so many get bored on the job.  The people in China get paid less a day than Americans get paid a hour.  If workers in China wanted to be paid more, their bosses would fire them.  The bosses know that there are millions of people that would like to be where those workers are and are willing to work for that little amount of money.  Also, today in American many people are losing their jobs to people in China.  This is because people in China will work for less.  Since the workers will work for less, the companies can sell their products for less.  If the products were made here in America, it would cost more to pay the workers and then it would cost more to sell the products.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Class Today

During class today, we got our tests back from last week.  I am very happy with the grade I got on my test.  I got a 100% on my test.  Mr. Schick told our class that we had the highest percentage of grades on the test out of all three of his classes.  Tomorrow we are going to have an assembly with a guest speaker coming to talk to us.  The assembly speaker is Gerry Sandusky, not the terrible one in jail.  This assembly I think is going to be pretty interesting.  Mr. Sandusky is going to talk about living with the same name as a man that did many terrible things to boys in Pennsylvania.  I cannot wait to see the kinds of things he tells us. After we stopped talking about the assembly we will be having tomorrow, we started watching a video called "People's Republic of Capitalism".  This video was taken place in Chongqing, China.  Chongqing is on the river of Yangtze.  Since it is located on such a big river, China wants this city to be a big manufacturing city with many ports.  In China, the government allows you to only have one child.  If you have more than one child they will fine you.  You are only allowed to have more than one child if you live on a farm and need more help.  If a family loses their child in a tragic event, they are allowed to show proof to the government and try to have another child.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Today's Class

Today in class we started going over the government and history of the countries we have been researching lately.  We did not go over ever single country we have been looking at, but we did go over most of them.  I learned a few things about the countries we did go over, though.  Some things I learned were these.  Afghanistan's independence day is August 19, 1919.  Today in Afghanistan, there is a war going on.  The Taliban terrorist group is trying to take over Afghanistan.  The United States is trying to help my sending thousands of soldiers overseas to fight the Taliban.  Even with all the soldiers against the Taliban, they are fighting back even stronger than us.  Also, Brazil was once owned by the country of Portugal.  Brazil then took over their independence from Portugal in 1822.  I also learned today that France never really had their own "independence day".  They have a national festival yearly called English Bastille Day.  English Bastille Day is on July 14, 1789.  This day of the year is their "independence day".  I also learned today the Germany was once under the control of France.  After World War II, the allies and Russians took over Germany.  The allies were in control of west Germany and the Russians were in charge of east Germany.  They actually built a cement wall to split the country in half.  

Political Geography Research

United States

Declared independence on July 4, 1776

From the 1500s through the 1700s, they were settled and colonized by the Spanish, British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and other European nations.  The original thirteen colonies were held by Great Britain until the Revolutionary War, after which they became the first thirteen states.  There are now 50 states in the United States.  The United States is considered the last true superpower, with the world's largest military and the world's largest economy.


Israel became an independent state on May 14, 1948

Following World War Two, the newly-formed United Nations drafted a treaty dividing up some of Palestine's land.  They established an independent Arab state and an independent Jewish state.  Many Jews emigrated to the new nation of Israel post WWII.  Creation of this new Jewish state was not universally accepted by Arabs, even though Israel was officially admitted to the UN on May 11, 1949.  There is still controversy surrounding Israel's very existence in the Middle East.


China's official date of independence is October 1, 1949.

China is one of the world's oldest civilizations.  As long ago as 221 BC, China was unified as a nation during the Qin dynasty.  They formed a republic on January 1, 1912.  The current Communist government, officially called the People's Republic of China, was formed in 1949.  


Afghanistan's official date of independence is August 19, 1919.

The Hotaki dynasty was established in Kandahar followed by Ahmad Shah Durrani's rise to power in 1747.  In the late 19th century, Afghanistan became a buffer state in the "Great Game" between the British and Russian empires.  Following the Third Anglo-Afghan War of 1919 and the signing of the Treaty of Rawalpindi, King Amanullah started modernizing the country.  The United States and the Soviet Union began spreading their influences into Afghanistan in 1947.  


Brazil's official date of independence is September 7th, 1822.

Brazil was claimed by Portugal in April 1500.  In 1808 the army of French Emperor Napoleon I invaded Portugal, forcing the Portuguese royal into exile.  They established themselves in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janiero, which then became the unofficial seat of the entire Portuguese Empire.  Brazil then took over their independence in 1822.     


France does not have an Independence day. France has been independent since the Romans left. In France, there is a National Festival called English Bastille Day, which is on July 14. France used to have a monarchy until the 1700s. At the time, King Louis XIV made France the leading country in Europe. France's monarchy was destroyed after the war in 1789. France was never owned by another country. 


Germany's independence day is October 3, 1990. This is the day Germany became one country again, after 40 years of dictatorship. Germany was never one country before October 3. Germany was part of thirty year war. Germany divided into numerous independent states. Germany was once under control of France.  There was a actual wall built down the middle of Germany. 


India gained independence on August 15, 1947. They were a part of the British Empire.  Mahatma Gandhi led millions of people to gain independence from Britain. European powers such as Portugal and many others established trading posts in India. Later they established colonies. They did not have to go to war to achieve their independence. 


Iran achieved independence on April 1, 1979. Iran didn't have a stable government before 1979. In 1979, the got rid of the Shaah and gained control of Iran.  Iran was always Iran, it was ruled by many empires through the years.  


Mexico was declared independence on September 16, 1810. The organized date of independence by Spain was September 27, 1821. Spain controlled Mexico.  Mexico gained it's independence from Spain. Mexico is officially called United Mexican States. It was conquered and colonized by Spain in the early 16th century. 

Saudi Arabia 

Saudi Arabia's independence day is September 23,1932. Saudi Arabia's independence day is actually the day that the kingdom was created. This day is know called "Unification of the Kingdom". Saudi Arabia was never ruled by another empire. Saudi Arabia has been an absolute monarchy ever since it's inception. 

The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has never been ruled by another country. Once ruled North and South America.  The United Kingdom is an island located Northeast of Europe. The United Kingdom has ruled many other countries but has never been ruled by another. b


Venezuela declared it's independence from Spain on July 5, 1811. It is located in Northern South America. Venezuela was one of three countries the emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830. For most of the first half of the 20th century, Venezuela was ruled by generally benevolent military strongmen. These men promoted the oil industry and allowed for some social reforms . 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Missed Class

I missed class yesterday because i had to leave school early for an orthodontist appointment.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Class on Friday

During class on Friday we took another test on the world leaders.  On this test, before we started Mr. Schick told us that we could use our blogs to help us on the tests.  The ability to use our blogs on the test was a huge help.  The first part of the test was just like the last test we took.  We had to match the country and the leader of that country.  The second part of the test was about us matching the leader and events that happened in their years before they became president or prime minister.  After the test we started talking about colonialism and imperialism.  Colonialism is the most developed form of imperialism. Colonialism is when the controlling states invade other states to exploit resources and for large scale immigration.  Imperialism is the process through which a state attempts to control the economic, political, and/or cultural make up of another state.  These things can be good or bad, it just depends on how they happen.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

World Leader Facts

Today in class we went over the facts we found about different leaders around the world. I learned many interesting things about each leader we studied.  For example, one thing I learned was that Dilma Rousseff, the President of Brazil, went to jail for 2 years.  While in jail, she was tortured by being stripped of her clothes and draped across this pipe object.  They then sent shocks into her body. They imprisoned her because she tried to take over the country by using the military to control the country.  Even after trying to take over the country, she was the first woman to become president of Brazil.  The people of Brazil must be very forgiving to elect a woman that almost took over their country to actually be in charge of their country.  Also, today we learned that Hamid Karzai has been the target of several assassinations over the years.  Many people have actually tried to kill him but failed and others were found to have been making plans to assassinate their president.  Today also we learned that Hu Jinato, President of China, took his country that had many problems in it to the very developed and economical strong country it is today.  Today was also the first day with Barack Obama's second term as president.  Some interesting facts about him are:

  • Barack Obama is the first African American to be President of the United States.  
  • He is the first President to be born in Hawaii.
  • Before becoming President, Obama was Senator of Illinois in 1996.  
  • He was a part of a group of friends that got together and smoked marijuana.
  • did many hours of social service work
  • spent 5 years in indonesia

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

World Leaders

Enrique Pena Nieto
  • Marches against Pena Nieto have drawn thousands of people across Mexico.
  • He pledged that he would fight organized crimes and that there would be no pacts with the criminals.
  • reinvigorate Mexico's economy and reduce drug violence

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz 

  • In 2005, King Abdullah implemented a government scholarship program to send young Saudi men and women to Western universities for undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
  •  He reconstructed the country's courts to introduce review of judicial decisions and more professional training for Shari's judges.
  • ascended to the throne after his half brother died
  • 13 wives and at least 35 kids
  • 6th king of Saudia Arabia
Angela Merkel
  • One of her priorities was to strengthen transatlantic economic relations by signing at the White House the agreement for the Transatlantic Economic Council.  
  • Her attempts at a multicultural society in Germany failed.
  • world's 4th most powerful leader
  • highest ranking made by a woman
Benjamin Netanyahu
  • The first Israeli prime minister born in Israel after the founding of the state.
  • He has repeatedly called for the release of Jonathon Pollard, an American serving a life sentence for passing secret U.S. documents into Israel. 
Hu Jintao
  • He reintroduced control into some sectors of the economy for China.  
  • Hu has cracked down on social disturbances, ethnic minority protests, and dissident figures
  • Started the economy that China has today
  • Dismissed many political leaders
  • first crisis was outbreak of SARS
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
  • He supports Iran's nuclear energy program.
  • He launched a gas rationing plan in 2007 to reduce the country's fuel consumption.
Hamad Karzai
  • Many people have planned to assissinate Karzai over the past decade.
  • With Karzai as president, many said it was a new start for their war torn country.
  • His brother was the center of drug trade.
François Hollande
  • Hollande supports the removal of the French in Afghanistan by the end of 2012.
  • He supports same sex marriage and adoption of LGBT couples.
  • Special advisor for president of France before he became president.
  • first to be elected without prior prime minister experience
Pranab Mukherjee
  • Mukherjee is very well respected by everyone in the party social circles.
  • He is skillfully pushing through the historic 123 Agreement and treaty with the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
Hugo Chavez
  • Chávez passed a decree designed to implement Conarepol's recommendation on the national police force
  • He founded the secretive Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement-200.
  • military sciences and rebelled against president at that time 
  • spent time in prison for 2 years
David Cameron
  • He wanted to put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and for the national interest.
  • Cameron had used cannabis and cocaine recreational before becoming prime minister.
  • youngest elected prime minister in UK 
  • A part of a drug scandel 
Queen Elizabeth II
  • She has been queen for 60 years.
  • Queen became the first British monarch to address a joint session of the United States Congress.
Dilma Rousseff
  • First woman to become president for Brazil.
  • She feels she represents all women of the world.
  • Captured, jailed, and tortured by trying to overthrow the government.
  • coup d'etat-- take over a country through revolutionary means

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Political Leaders

During class we went over all of the political leaders for the countries Mr. Schick assigned to us.  Some countries have more than one leader in charge.  For example the United Kingdom has a Prime Minister named David Cameron, but also has Queen Elizabeth II as the leader for all of England.  Germany is also a country that has two leaders in charge.  Germany's leaders are President Joachim Gauck and Angela Merkel.  Another country that has more than one leader is Israel.  Israel's leaders are President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  All of the other countries that we were assigned have only one leader in charge of the entire country.  Brazil's leader is President Dilma Rouseseff.  Their leader is a woman and it is unusual for a leader of a country because usually men have more rites than women.  All of the other countries we researched have men as their most important leader.  The United Kingdom is the only other one with a woman as their main leader, Queen Elizabeth II.  During class we had about fifteen minutes to memorize each country and their leader.  After time was up we were supposed to have a quiz, but instead Mr. Schick had a few people go up in front of the class and see how many they could answer correctly. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Class Yesterday

Yesterday in class we went over the test.  We also did more of the political geography unit.  I was not able to blog yesterday because my Internet was still down from hurricane Sandy.  It knocked all of my power out for a day and a half and my Internet was messed up.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Political Geography

Mexico                                                         India 
Constitution-based federal republic             Parliametary system government
President  Enrique Pena Nieto                      President  Pranab Mukherjee
            Pranab Mukherjee

China                                                             Afghanistan
Single- party state government                     Presidential system government, Islamic republic
President  Hu Jintao                                       President  Hamid Karzai
Hu JintaoHamid Karzai

Iran                                                                 Israel
Islamic republic, Unitary state, Theocracy    Liberal democracy, Parliamentary system
 President Mahmoud Ahmadi-nejad                President  Shimon Peres Prime Minister Benjamin                                                                                                               Netanyahu
Mahmoud AhmadinejadShimon Peres
Germany                                                                       United Kingdom
Democracy, Parliamentary republic, Federal republic       Hereditary monarchy
President  Joachim Gauck/ Chansler Angela Merkel            Prime Minister  David Cameron Queen                                                                                                                Elizabeth II- United Kingdom      
David CameronJoachim Gauck                                                         

France                                                                        Brazil
Semi-presidential system, Constitutional republic   Presidential system, constitutional federal republic
President  François Hollande                                       President  Dilma Rousseff
François Hollande                                                    Dilma Rousseff   

Venezuela                                                                   Saudi Arabia
Federal republic government                                     Unitary state, Islamic State, Absolute monarchy
President  Hugo Chávez                                                King/ Prime Minister Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz
Hugo Chávez                                                Abdullah of Saudi Arabia