Monday, August 27, 2012

Syllabus and Class Rules

Today was my first real day of school and John Carroll.  I had my first official human geo class with Mr. Schick.  We did a lot of starter things in his class.  He gave us our assigned seats and told us what we need to bring to class every time we have it.  We need to bring our laptops, a notebook, open minds, and the ability to read and write creatively.  Mr. Schick showed us the class syllabus and rules.  We started talking about the grading scale for his class and how he doesn't have any extra credit.  He also told us that if any of are caught playing games on our computer it is an immediate detention.  I know now that I should pay attention in class and not get distracted by the technology we are given.   Mr. Schick showed us how many points each graded assignment was worth.  Every time I turn in something late it is automatically ten percent deducted each day.  After four days of the assignment being late, its is a zero but we still have to turn it in.  We also went over what the procedures are for when we are absent from class.  On the days we have class, if we are absent we must still write a blog and post that we were absent for class.  All these things that Mr. Schick told us will help me be prepared for his human geo class this semester.

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