Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ancient Greece

Today in Human Geography class we talked about Ancient Greece.  We defined some words Mr. Schick gave us that were a part of ancient Greece.  We had to define arete, polis, Socrates, the death of Socrates and others.  We were talking and going over each one.  Arete is a word meaning excellence in any kind.  Polis is a city in Greece, but also means citizenship.  Socrates is the topic that most of our class period was about.  Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher.  He always contributed help in debates by asking and answering questions.  Later people named they way he contributed the Socratic method.  The Socratic method is a form of debate between individuals with opposing viewpoints based on asking and answering questions.  We witnessed this method today because Mr. Schick used it on us and we didn't realize he was until he asked at least 20 questions.  Throughout the class we talked about the different democracies and how they relate with excellence and the Socratic method.  Mr. Schick was talking about the death of Socrates and how he was on trial to decide whether he was guilty or not of corrupting the youth and not acknowledging the gods.  Two hundred eighty people said he was guilty and two hundred twenty said he was not.  Therefore, he was given a drink of poison that would kill him immediately.  Many years after the death of Socrates a French painter painted his depiction of what happened the day Socrates had to drink the poison.  The painting shows Socrates about to be handed the poison and men all around him not bearing to look at him say his last words.  Socrates last words were "Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius. Do pay it. Don't forget". No one truly understands what these words mean, but some people say they might even be a part of a riddle of some kind.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Message to Garcia

In 1899 Elbert Hubbard wrote a short story titled "A Message to Garcia".  It was based on the Spanish-American war of 1898.  The war was fought in Cuba and a soldier named General Garcia was needed by the United States.  No one could reach Garcia and he was somewhere in the mountains of Cuba.  It was survival of the fitest for who would be the one to take the letter to Garcia.  A man named Roin was highly recommended to be given the letter to hand Garcia.  Roin was given his assignment and didn't ask any questions just left and completed his assignment.  This story explains to us that we need to do what we are told and not complain about it or ask a lot of questions.  Some people won't do what they are told unless they are literally kicked in the butt and pushed into what that have to do.  In the United States these days most people won't do what they are told without complaining about doing it and questioning who does it.  We have to do what we are told and do well in school.  Colleges look at your grades but they also care if you are involved in other things other than academics.

- Arete- excellence in any kind
- Polis- a city in Greek; citizenship and body of citizens
- Socrates- classical Greek Athenian
- the death of Socrates- 280 people said he was guilty and 220 said he was not for corrupting the youth and refusing to acknowledging the gods-- 1787 painting by the French painter Jacques-Louis David
- the Socratic method- a form of debate between individuals with opposing viewpoints based on asking and answering questions
- the date 508 BC Cleisthenes grants full rights to all free men of Athens
- agora- a gathering place in ancient Greece
what the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- that they didnt vote-- that you were selfish

Monday, August 27, 2012

Syllabus and Class Rules

Today was my first real day of school and John Carroll.  I had my first official human geo class with Mr. Schick.  We did a lot of starter things in his class.  He gave us our assigned seats and told us what we need to bring to class every time we have it.  We need to bring our laptops, a notebook, open minds, and the ability to read and write creatively.  Mr. Schick showed us the class syllabus and rules.  We started talking about the grading scale for his class and how he doesn't have any extra credit.  He also told us that if any of are caught playing games on our computer it is an immediate detention.  I know now that I should pay attention in class and not get distracted by the technology we are given.   Mr. Schick showed us how many points each graded assignment was worth.  Every time I turn in something late it is automatically ten percent deducted each day.  After four days of the assignment being late, its is a zero but we still have to turn it in.  We also went over what the procedures are for when we are absent from class.  On the days we have class, if we are absent we must still write a blog and post that we were absent for class.  All these things that Mr. Schick told us will help me be prepared for his human geo class this semester.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

1st day of school

My first day at John Carroll was great. I learned who my advisory teacher was and who the other freshman were in my advisory.  During the advisory portion of the day, I discovered where my locker was and figured out how to open it.  I was not used to the lock on my locker, so it took me a little bit to learn how to use it.  I also got to meet my teachers and have a short period of time where I was in my classes.  It was great seeing all of my friends from my old school and sports that I haven't seen all summer.  I also met new friends that I know are going to be fun to be with during my four years at John Carroll.  John Carroll is a lot bigger than my old school.  My old school only had two floors and straight hallways with no hallways off of them.  John Carroll is completely different, there are three floors and many hallways in different twists and turns.  It was good to learn how about my schedule and the bell schedule.  I cant wait until all of the football games, pep rallies, and all the other fun school activities.  It is going to be an exciting year.  I am really glad that I chose John Carroll to spend high school.